Director's Message

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Dr. Dnyaneshwar T. Pisal

Dr. Dnyaneshwar T. Pisal

Director SVPMs IOM

I am delighted to welcome you to Shivnagar Vidya Prasarak Mandals Institute of Management.

Our committed staff and faculty members are our greatest assets. Our instructors are the most creative and engaging people you will find. They inculcate the fundamental principles and spirit of the unbeatable Indian culture in addition to imparting education. We help our students cultivate an attitude of curiosity and, where appropriate, encourage them to question the status quo. SVPM IOM culture has long valued high caliber research.

Being proud of our identity, we continuously search for new and creative ways to realize our objective of being a preeminent management institution that has a big influence on society and industry, rather than dwelling on our past successes. We think the Institute has what it takes to become one of India's leading Management Institute. We extend an invitation to all societal stakeholders to accompany us on our mission to disseminate knowledge on value-based management.

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