Rules and regulations

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  • Rules and regulations
  • Students should strictly follow the orders of the Princlipal and the Faculty members.
  • Daily attendance is compulsory and attendance for the day shall be marked only when he/she is present for all the sessions during the day.
  • The Students should possess identity card with him/her regularly and it shouldbe produced on demand by authorities.
  • Attendance for the test and tutorials is compulsory for all.
  • Students found guilty for an act of misconduct either in college or outside shall be subjected to strict disciplinary action and liable to be expelled from college.
  • The student should not cause of any damage to the college property, if found the same will be compensated by student immeiately.
  • The student should require to submit the assignment failing which he/she be subjected to strict disciplinary action.
  • Students showing consistently poor performance in Test and Tutorials and Failing internal evaluation of subject, shall not be permittet to appear for the Universilty Examinations.
  • The student fails to show their minimum 75% attendance for theory and practical session shall be subjected to strict disciplinary action and shall not be permitted for the University Examinations.
  • Smoking, drinking (alcoholics) and 'drugs' is srtictly prohibited.
  • Use of Mobile is strictly prohibited in college campus.
  • In case, If student want to remain absent for some reason, he/she will be required to take prior permission of principal.
  • Student must attend social and national programms organized by college.
  • The Student must wear prescribed dress code/uniform in the college and apron during practical.
  • Student expected to read the notice board of college in time.
  • No student will be allowed to appear University Examination unless he/she completes journals and kept term satisfactorily.
  • Ragging of studnet in any form within or outside the campus is strictly prohibited, Defaulters will be strictly dealt with as per Government instruction in this matter.
  • If any student found disobeying prescibed rules of discipline shall be subjected to strict disciplinary action and may expelled from college.
  • At the time of admission, candidate has to submit undertaking duly signed by parents and him/her self regarding attendance and fees.
Admission Enquiry